Time is a Strange Element
July 28, 2023

I am always amazed that the days can go so slowly, while the years whiz by. Or the days speed by and the months c-r-e-e-p. I’ve heard it said the difference in whether time is flying or creeping depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on. Could be true! All I know is my children somehow have become adults in their mid-to-late thirties. My grandchildren, who were born yesterday, very soon will be 5, 7, and 9! It boggles my mind.

Regardless of how quickly or slowly time seems to go, I seem never to have enough to do the things I want/need to do. I seem to always be in a hurry to finish the next task and cross it off the list. However, I no longer am happy with this life. The older I become, the more I understand that the most important things are not tasks crossed off a list, but relationships built, lives changed, and kindness extended.

Looking at my family relationships, I realize once-in-a-lifetime events are happening whether I am there or not. I’m choosing to be there. Looking at my long-time relationships, once strong and vibrant, I realize neglect has caused distance and apathy. I’m choosing to reconnect and revitalize. Looking at my past compared to my future, I realize there is much more time behind me than before me. I’m choosing to be present for more of it.

It is not about accolades, or money, or being at the top of whatever list one may be on. It really is about touching other lives and allowing time for others to touch me. It’s about not saying, “Yes,” so quickly, but pausing to consider what that “yes” will take away from my priorities. It’s about saying “yes” to things I “don’t have time for” because I know I will never have the opportunity to say “yes” to that again. It’s about going to ball games and dance recitals and weddings and funerals because I want my tribe to know I care and that I am supportive of them. It’s about being present in conversations so I can remember them tomorrow or next month. It’s about choosing kindness and grace over judgment and pettiness. It’s about getting my actions in alignment with the priorities of my heart.

Where are you in your life? Is the clock running your life? Do your actions reflect your priorities?
