Finally Fall!
November 12, 2015
I love the changing of the seasons - the trees changing colors and the crispness of the air! Sometimes I have to go a little farther north to actually see trees changing, but that's OK. Fall is also a good time to pause and re-think priorities... We often go through our daily routines with little thought as to whether our routine is still helpful or needed. As we enter the Thanksgiving season, I encourage you take time to be fully present to your day. At the end of the day, look back and identify the best part of that day. Think about the things for which you are thankful and savor them. Gather more hugs. Give more smiles. Spend more time with those you love most. Here is some conference information in which you may be interested: The 24th Annual Texas Autism Conference August 4-5, 2016, in San Antonio The 28th Annual ADDA-SR Conference February 27, 2016 in Houston Take time to enjoy all that this time of year brings! Nancy