Happy New Year!
January 27, 2020

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. It is usually a time of much joy but much stress, so I hope you took some time to relax and enjoy your blessings!

Not only did the last year fly by, but it is almost time to change the calendar to a new month in 2020! Our office is a happening place as our Spring Semester Groups are in full swing. I am very proud of the work our Social Skills Coaches do to help students improve their ability to read social cues, think about others, and even think about what others are thinking! These skills are important in school and crucial in the workplace. New studies are reporting the biggest reason many young adults have difficulty maintaining employment is not an inability to do the technical aspects of the job, but an inability to interact appropriately with colleagues. This deficit can be remediated, but takes training, practice, and time. Like most difficulties, the younger the students are when they begin training, the better their skills become, but even in high school and beyond, improvement can be made. If you have a student between kindergarten and young adulthood that has difficulty maintaining relationships with peers, please contact us.

Our Nurtured Heart Approach parenting class is starting soon! Check out our Calendar of Events on the Home Page.

Enjoy the cooler weather - we'll be wanting it back in July!
